To Commemorate 83rd Birth Anniversary of Kim Jong Il
Seminars Held in India and Japan -
Celebrating Kim Jong Un’s Birthday,
“New Year Seminar on Juche Idea” Held in Okinawa - IIJI Holds Regular Study Meeting
- “Study of the Juche Idea” No.94 Published
International Seminar on Juche Idea
for “Independence, Justice and Future of Mankind” Held in Pyongyang -
European Regional Seminar Held in Bulgaria
― on Subject of “Sovereignty, Independence, and
New International Relations”— -
Seminars on Juche Idea Held in Italy,
Mexico, Nigeria, etc.
with Juche Idea Researchers after Their Visits to DPRK -
To Commemorate Birth Anniversary of Kim Jong Il,
Seminar on Juche Idea and Peace Held in Osaka, Japan - 111th Birth Anniversary of President Kim Il Sung
& 45th Founding Anniversary of the IIJI
Grandly Commemorated
- Seminar on Juche Idea Held in Japan - - Sharing Aspiration after Global Independence and Peace
―National Seminar on Juche Idea in Osaka
To Commemorate Birth Anniversary of Kim Jong Il― - For Ensuring Happiness ofNext Generation and Peace
―Study Gatherings Held in Okinawa and Tokyo In Honour of Mr. & Mrs, ARIJI Director-General― - To Commemorate
110th Birth Anniversary of President
Kim Il Sung ,
Internet International Seminar on “Truthfulness and Vitality of Juche Idea
—Banner of Human Cause of Independence” Held -
To Commemorate 77th Birth Anniversary of General Secretary Kim Jong Il
National Seminar on Juche Idea Grandly Held in Mexico
IIJI Secretariat’s “Newsletter” for March 2019 Published -
"Study of the Juche Idea" Published in English, French and Spanish Versions as
Commemorative Issue of DPRK 70th Founding
Anniversary and IIJI 40th Founding Anniversary - For Further Advance in Study and Dissemination of Kimilsung-Kimjongil ism
- -Commemorative Event of IIJI 40th Founding Anniversary
- Held in Mongolia-
- In Honor of IIJI Director General, National Seminar on
- Juche Idea for Independence and Peace Held in Tokyo
- On 105th Birth Anniversary of President Kim Il Sung
- Juche Idea Researchers from the world visit DPRK
- Seminar on Juche Idea and Art Performances in Okinawa
- to Celebrate Birth Anniversary of WPK Chairman Kim Jong Un
- African Regional Seminar on Juche Idea Held
- in Republic of South Africa
- To Congratulate H.E. Mr. Kim Jong Un
- on Election as WPK Chairman Commemorative Reporting Conference on 7th Party Congress
- Held in Tokyo
- To Celebrate 70th Founding Anniversary of WPK
- Delegates and Delegations of Juche Idea Study Groups from
- Different Countries Visit DPRK
- Seminar on "Kimilsung-Kimjongil ism and Cause of Global Independence" Held in Pyongyang
- Attended by Juche Idea Researchers from World Visiting There on Sun's Day-
- We Shall Never Forget Dr. Vishwanath,
- Director General of IIJI Board,
- Who Lived to Very End along Path of Juche
- Japanese National Liaison Council for Study of Kimilsung-Kimjongilism Formed
- Seminar on Independence of Africa Held in Uganda
- World Juche Idea Researchers Visit Pyongyang to Celebrate Day of Sun