"Study of the Juche Idea" Published in
English, French and Spanish Versions as
Commemorative Issue of DPRK 70th Founding
Anniversary and IIJI 40th Founding Anniversary
The International Institute of the Juche Idea published the latest issue of its journal “Study of the Juche Idea” as a commemorative issue for both the 70th founding anniversary of the DPRK and the 40th founding anniversary of the IIJI.
The year of 2018 is of significance in such a way that the characteristic of the year of independence and peace initiated by Chairman Kim Jong Un has become clear. Then this issue carries the New Year Address in 2018, the Panmunjom Declaration on Peace, Prosperity and Reunification of Korean Peninsula, the DPRK-US Joint Statement in Singapore and the September Pyongyang Inter-Korean Joint Declaration in 2018.
This issue carries documents and papers presented at an International Seminar on “Juche Idea and 70 Years of the DPRK” held in Pyongyang on the occasion of the 70th founding anniversary of the DPRK.
It also introduces documents, papers and message presented at the Commemorative Events of the 40th Founding Anniversary of the IIJI held in Mongolia along with “40-Year Path of the IIJI” that shows how the IIJI has conducted its work under the deep consideration of President Kim Il Sung and General Secretary Kim Jong Il.