European Regional Seminar Held in Bulgaria
― on Subject of “Sovereignty, Independence, and
New International Relations”—

On September 8, 2024, an European Regional Seminar on “Sovereignty, Independence, and New International Relations” was held in Sofia, Bulgaria, under the auspices of the European Regional Society for the Study of Juche Idea.
The seminar was attended by Juche idea researchers from Italy, Finland, Austria, Romania, the U. K. and other European countries, along with local Bulgarian personalities. It was also attended by a delegation of the Korean Association of Social Scientists (KASS) in person. Also participating in the seminar online were Dr. Ogami Ken-ichi, secretary general of the International Institute of the Juche Idea (IIJI), and Dr. Alexander Vorontsov, head of a Department of Institute of Oriental Studies, the Russian Academy of Sciences.
On the occasion of the seminar, congratulatory messages were sent from Prof. Ramon Jimenez Lopez, director general of the IIJI Board, along with the African Committee for the Study of the Juche Idea, and the Asian Regional Institute of the Juche Idea respectively.
The seminar was presided over by Prof. Matteo Carbonelli, who was newly appointed president of the European Regional Society for the Study of the Juche Idea.
At the seminar, on behalf of the Korean Association of Social Scientists (KASS) a congratulatory address was made by its vice-president Mr. Pak Chol Jun.
The KASS Vice-President expressed his congratulations on the holding of the seminar and his gratitude to those who made effort to make the seminar a success, including Prof. Matteo Carbonelli and other directors of the Board of Directors, the European Regional Society for the Study of the Juche Idea.
He continued as follows:

“The European Regional Seminar on ‘Sovereignty, Independence, and New International Relations’ marks an important occasion eloquently proving the full admiration of the world progressive peoples for respected Comrade Kim Jong Un who developed the Juche idea into Kimilsung-Kimjongilism and leads the trend of global independence. It will also serve as a significant occasion that fully demonstrates the fact that the aspirations of progress mankind to build an independent world are unstoppable and undeniable.
“Today, our Republic, holding respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, the extraordinary great leader, in high esteem, is performing world-shaking miracles day by day in the struggle for opening up a new era of overall national prosperity, under the banner of the Juche idea. This provides great strength and courage to the progressive peoples across the world in their struggle to build an independent world with the Juche idea as their beacon of hope.
”Convinced that this seminar will serve as a significant gathering contributing to the efforts of progressive humankind to establish righteous and peaceful new international relations on the principle of respect for sovereignty and independence, and meaningful occasion for further strengthening mutual cooperation, understanding and bonds among the European Juche idea researchers, I extend my warm congratulations once again to all the participants present here.”

Prof. Matteo Carbonelli delivered his keynote paper at the seminar. He said as follows (It's full text here):
“Nowadays, we are living a period of decisive turn. The present international situation is characterized by the further aggravation of strife between peoples struggling for their independence and imperialist powers seeking to maintain and extend their domination.
“Imperialism still does not hesitate to strike by all means any attempt that counters its power, and puts different parts of the world in danger of wars.
“But everywhere today more and more the peoples of the world are determined to realize their sovereignty with their social system and to safeguard their independence in a new type of international order, a real and equitable new international order.
“The Juche idea offers a coherent system of principles to guide peoples to achieve these goals and its implementation in the DPRK shows how the Korean people succeeded in realizing its independence and sovereignty.
“Exploring these new perspectives, I am sure that the following discussion in next speeches will delve into various interesting aspects, which will make this European Seminar an important opportunity to deepen and disseminate the Juche idea and encourage progressive peoples to realize sovereignty, independence and new international relations in the world.”
Dr. Ogami Ken-ichi, secretary general of the IIJI gave a speech online entitled “Prosperity and Victory on the Path of Independence” (It's full text here).
First, he congratulated the seminar on its organization and success, and thanked all those who had worked so hard in preparation for the seminar. Then he continued:
“Heads of state and ambassadors from 101 countries participated in the Nagasaki Peace Memorial Ceremony on August 9, 2024, the largest number of participants to date, together with the citizens of Nagasaki and others, mourned the victims of the atomic bombing. The participation of such majority of the world's nations showed that the trend toward a new multipolar and peaceful world represents the mainstream of the world public.
“Apart from Japan, the G6 (the U.S., the U.K., France, Germany, Italy, and Canada), condemned Nagasaki City's refusal to allow the delegate from Israel to participate in the peace ceremony, and withdrew their own delegates to take part in the ceremony.
“The fact that the 101 countries participated in the said ceremony in Nagasaki and the six countries did not is a clear expression of whether they oppose or promote the ongoing genocide of the United States and Israel.
“The worldwide movement of anti-imperialism, independence and solidarity is the most powerful struggle to realize a fair and peaceful world.
“U.S. imperialism, weakened politically and economically these days, is more and more revealing its true nature of aggression and plunder and is in a frenzy for war. The imperialist maneuver of trying to carve its own prosperity on the blood of other peoples will not last.

A view of beautiful cityscape in Sofia
“I believe that we will be able to build a new world by strengthening independent international solidarity in defense of peace and justice and by decisively strengthening the anti-US and anti-imperialist struggles.”
Dr. Ogami Ken-ichi further referred to the DPRK, which is realizing a socialist and communist society, and stated as follows:
“In the DPRK, more than 12 years have passed since Kim Jong Un assumed the position of the supreme leader of the country. Kim Jong Un is vigorously leading the struggle for the complete victory of socialism where the people can live happily.
“So, Kim Jong Un clarified that the role of activists in the Party and the state is to devote themselves to the good of the people.
“Kim Jong Un's revolutionary ideology is an integral system of idea, theory and method with the people-first principle at its core. It faithfully inherits the revolutionary thoughts of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, while enriching and developing them in accordance with the requirements of the revolutionary practice of the new era.
“What Kim Jong Un's revolutionary ideology is about is reflected in his activities in concrete. In particular, his activities in connection with the flooding in the northern part of the DPRK at the end of July this year clearly demonstrated what his devotion to the people is all about.
“The fact that the people-first principle in politics is being implemented in the DPRK and the struggle for the complete victory of socialism is being vigorously promoted there has important implications for the study and dissemination of the Juche idea and for the way of living of people who want to study the Juche idea.
“While learning deeply from Kim Jong Un's ideology and activities, let us dedicate ourselves to many people, strengthen bonds with them, and make joint efforts to build an independent society.”
Speeches of Directors of the Board of Directors, European Regional Society for the Study of the Juche Idea followed the keynote paper:

Mr. Juha Kieksi, secretary general of the European Society for the Study of the Juche Idea, who is also president of the Society for the Study of the Juche Idea delivered a speech entitled “We need a common independent revolutionary ideology to resist imperialism” (It's full text here).
“Today, we are living the period of strengthening the globalization, which is essentially the strengthening of imperialism.
“Supporting Ukraine and increasing military spending has led to the dismantling of the Nordic welfare state. Education levels are declining, and public healthcare is becoming increasingly difficult to access. At the same time, workers' conditions are being worsened, and the right to strike has been restricted.
“What I want to say is that capitalism can never produce well-being for all people. In capitalism, the rich get richer, and others suffer the consequences of imperialism.
“Increasing ideological awareness is a crucial issue at the moment, especially in Western countries.
“I am confident that on the basis of the Juche idea, we can begin to build a fairer world. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to study the theory of the Juche idea and its application in the DPRK, as well as to spread knowledge about the Juche idea.
“There is no other ideology in sight that can solve global problems and increase the well-being of the people than the unique Juche idea developed by President Kim Il Sung and further developed by General Secretary Kim Jong Il and nowdays by General Secretary Kim Jong Un.”

Dr. Alexander Vorontsov, director of the Board of Directors, European Regional Society for the Study of the Juche Idea, who is also head of a department of the Institute of Oriental Studies, the Russian Academy of Sciences delivered a speech online as follows:
“The international situation is now very complicated as you know. The DPRK is an independent country. Russia also is an independent country. And the DPRK protected their independence from the very beginning of their existence. Also did Russia.
“it is not surprising why Russia and the DPRK align now again. And you may know, the two independent countries had an agreement on comprehensive security and protection in June this year when President Putin visited the DPRK.
“It was not surprising. It’s a correlated real situation of military balances in the East Asian region, and the Korean Peninsula region. You know how many agreements they have concluded between the Republic of Korea, the United States and Japan.
“Therefore, we defend ourselves, we will protect our independence.”
“Because Russia and the DPRK understand the real reason of the conflict on Ukraine. It is very clear that Yes, the United West alliance, they said they inflicted that they will defeat Russia, will give a stategic defeat to Russia. It was to remember when it was twenty five years ago, by the way when the NATO started their expansion, in the region, enlargement, there was a east direction. It was a strategic design; it was adopted twenty-five years ago.
“The DPRK people said that they are in one trench with Russia. And they will fight together against US aggression.
“The independence is the core of the Juche idea.
“And we are together. And it’s not a simple word, it’s practical. We are together for sovereignty and independence. And we are struggling together.”

Mr. Lyudmil Kostadinov, director, Board of Directors, European Regional Society for the Study of the Juche Idea, who is also chairman of the Bulgarian Committee for the Study of Kimilsung-Kimjongilism delivered a speech entitled “Truly Independent Powerful Country.” He said:
“In his policy speech Kim Jong Un declared in September 2022 that the world will clearly realize once again what a truly independent powerful country and a state of justice is in modern days, when pursuit of hegemony is more dangerous, and how mighty is the spirit of the DPRK dealing with the United States, the empire of evil.
“Kim Jong Un put forward a new line to guarantee eternal security of the country and nation and create stable peaceful environment in the Korean peninsula and the region and has wisely led the struggle to this end.
“This reality testifies to the validity of the Juche idea, which clarifies the truth that the aspirations of countries and nations for independence can never be checked.
Vasile Orleanu, director of the Board of Directors, European Regional Society for the Study of the Juche Idea, who is president of the Romanian National Committee of Studying the Juche Idea delivered a speech entitled "Sovereignty, independence and new international relations-See the Truth, Analyze and Do Action." “”

“Currently, through globalization, by ceding sovereignty and losing independence, states are becoming more and more vulnerable, dependent on all kinds of unions, associations, they are part of numerous international organizations, especially the U.N., N.A.T.O. military blocs.)
“The people, the popular masses, the nation-states, can know how to shape their destiny through a guiding, scientific ideology created by strong leaders anchored in reality so that they can rise up in the struggle to create a new independent world through sovereignty and correct, overturning the old world of domination and subjugation.
“The socialist model of the DPRK, based on the Juche idea, despite the savage sanctions, demonization, isolation, constant threats - including threats of invasion and nuclear annihilation - promoted by the Korean Workers' Party not only survived, but proved to be a generator of sovereignty, of independence, a model for many poor countries.”

Thomas Loesch, director of the Board of Directors, European Regional Society for the Study of the Juche Idea, who is also chairman of the Kimilsung-Kimjongilism Study Group in Austria delivered a speech entitled “Power and Sovereignty in the new world order.”
“Europe is very much dominated by the USA. Specially the EU government acts as puppets of the white House. During the Ukrainian war all EU-Countries are forced by the USA to send weapons to Ukraine and make economic and political sanctions against Russia.
“The USA and the EU try to isolate Russia from the rest of the World. They want to destroy the country and establish a puppet regime. But they are too weak to create unipolar world order. Most of the countries in the world reject the pressure from the USA. Instead, the BRICS-organisation became more and more attractive. They are fighting against the US-Domination in the world.
“Reality reveals the truth that nothing can thwart the desire for national and ethnic independence and proves the legitimacy of the Juche idea.”
The seminar concluded with the adoption of a letter to General Secretary Kim Jong Un.
The seminar served as an opportunity for researchers of the Juche idea in different countries to cooperate with each other under the new Board of Directors of the European Society for the Study of the Juche Idea, and to resolve to further promote the study and dissemination of the Juche idea in Europe
* * *
Prior to the seminar, the 14th meeting of the Board of Directors of the European Society for the Study of Juche Idea was held on the same day in Sofia.
At the Board meeting, Prof. Matteo Carbonelli reported on the study and dissemination of the Juche idea since the previous Board meeting in Bulgaria in September 2019 and proposed a work plan for 2025 and beyond.
The Board of Directors was also amended.
Prof. Edmond Jouve, who had been president of the European Society for the Study of Juche Idea, who is also professor emeritus of the University of Paris-René Descartes, was named Honorary President, and Prof. Matteo Carbonelli, who had served as secretary general of the Society, was elected president. And Mr. Juha Kieksi was appointed secretary general secretary.
In addition, Dr. Alexsandr Vorontsov was newly elected as director of the Board concerned.