For Ensuring Happiness of
Next Generation and Peace
―Study Gatherings Held in Okinawa and Tokyo
In Honour of Mr. & Mrs. ARIJI Director-General―
While face-to-face exchanges among Juche idea researchers in the world were closed for two and a half years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the relaxation of quarantine measures against the COVID-19 infection in various countries that took place in October last year triggered a flurry of exchanges from around October of last year.
In honour of the visit to Japan by Prof. Harish Chander Gupta, director general of the Asian Regional Institute of the Juche Idea, who is also deputy director-general of the IIJI Board along with Dr. Sadhna Harish, former principal of the Vivekananda College, the University of Delhi, a National Seminar on the Juche Idea was held on January 8, 2023 and a Regular Study Meeting of the IIJI was held on January 10, 2023.
Their visit to Japan was a welcome breakthrough in a situation where direct exchanges between those Juche idea researchers in the world were closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Okinawa has hosted a National Seminar on the Juche idea every year since 2011 in early January, on the occasion of Kim Jong Un’s public appearance as the Korean leader of a new generation. This year, it had been under way to hold a National Seminar on January 8 as a plan on the national level when an inquiry was made to Prof. Harish Chander Gupta and Dr. Sadhna Harish about their possibility of visiting Japan and giving lectures there, to which they both readily agreed.
At the end of last year, when everything was ready and only their visit was awaited, they were newly concerned about the seriousness of the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan, due to the said information they got in touch with in India. So, they frankly inquired the host about the reality concerned in Japan, and then they got a reply which could dispel their concern. That was the way how they finally could reach Japan as planned earlier.
During their stay in Japan, they expressed their feelings on various occasions that they would have missed the opportunity to gain valuable experiences they had if they had given up their visit to Japan without sending an honest e-mail for an inquiry.
Japanese Juche idea researchers on the other hand were so grateful and respectful of them who had visited Japan with a strong desire to do so under the circumstances where there was still a lot of information flying around about the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan. With such feelings for them, every Juche idea researcher concerned was committed to making their stay in Japan a better one.
National Seminar on Juche Idea Held in Okinawa
The National Seminar on the Juche Idea was held in Okinawa on January 8, 2023 under the co-sponsorship of the Japanese National Liaison Council for the Study of Kimilsung-Kimjongilism, and the Okinawa Liaison Council for the Study of the Juche Idea, with the support of the IIJI. Present there were some 130 in all, including Dr. Ogami Ken-ichi, secretary general of the IIJI, Prof. Emeritus Ie Masaji at Kobe City University of Foreign Languages who is also director of the ARIJI Board, and Juche idea researchers in various walks of life all over Japan from Hokkaido to Okinawa, including scholars and democrats, together with some foreign residents in Japan from African and Asian countries.

Firstly, on behalf of the sponsorship, Prof. Ie Masaji made an address:
“Our country Japan should return more to its original standpoint to reject militarism, and realize democracy and uphold absolute pacifism, under the present circumstances that the Japanese government is advancing its military policy by saying that Japan should equip itself with the offensive capacity that enables herself to attack the enemy military bases, while raising defense expenditures. It will be possible for us to build a new era through assimilating the Juche idea. It is also of importance to make our government observe international laws in order to make Japan independent, democratic as well as realize global independence and democracy in the world communities. I am determined to be with you to advance forward in this direction hand in hand.”
In the seminar, messages from the Korean Association of Social Scientists, and Takara Tetsumi, member of the House of Councillors were introduced there.
In his message, Takara Tetsumi said: “In order ‘Never to Make Okinawa a Battlefield of War,’ I do wish this National Seminar would make a success, producing a lot of good results.”

In his guest speech, referring to the socialist construction of the DPRK, which has become more fruitful under the leadership of General Secretary Kim Jong Un, following the 7th and 8th Congress of the WPK, So Chun On, vice-chairman of the Central Standing Committee of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon) said: “The DPRK has been transformed into one of the world's leading strategic states and emerged as a nuclear power capable of leading world politics.”

Prof. Harish Chander Gupta gave a lecture entitled “Growing Conflicts in the Present Day World and Juche Idea for Independence, Justice and World Peace.” He said as follows:

“At present the world is passing through a very uncertain, volatile and dangerous phase in human history. The black clouds of the war are hovering over all the countries of the world posing a serious threat to world peace. The entire world is divided between two blocs: one that is imperialist countries and their followers and the other that is anti-imperialist countries. The imperialists always continue to provoke war in one or the other part of the world in order to dominate and subjugate the independent and sovereign states. America wants to weaken Russia to remain the only superpower in the world and it is trying to achieve this objective by providing military and other help to Ukraine and prolonging the war there. It is a well known fact that at the root of all the conflicts in the world, it is America and its allied forces who want to establish their hegemony, plunder the resources and force their political system on vulnerable sovereign states.
“The gist of the Juche idea is independence, which is realised through self-reliance. It is only possible when each and every country is self reliant in every field and not dependent upon others. All countries of the world should follow the path shown by the Juche idea which advocates that self-reliance is essential for the independence and sovereignty of all the countries of the world, and once all the countries in the world become self-reliant, world peace will automatically be realised.”

Then, Prof. Emeritus Taira Ken-ichi at Okinawa University, who is also representative of the Okinawa Liaison Council for the Study of Kimilsung-Kimjongilism gave a lecture entitled “US Base Policy for Okinawa Towards War―For Anti-war and Peace Supported by Independence and Self-reliance Based on Juche Idea” as follows:
“Okinawa was the site of the final fierce and disastrous Japan-US battle in the Asia-Pacific War. Even after the war, 70 percent of the US military bases in Japan are concentrated in Okinawa, and incidents by the US military are a daily occurrence, with the Okinawans, being plagued by the noise of fighter jets, the falling of Osprey window frames, and the likewise.
“With the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, Japan has rapidly become more focused on defense and war preparations, and has taken advantage of missile tests by the DPRK to increase its military buildup.
“The Juche idea is an idea that has always valued people as the protagonists of history and society, and Korean socialism is man-centered socialism.”
Prof. Taira pointed out the Japanese government’s dangerous preparations for war and said that the DPRK is possessing nuclear forces and testing missiles for the sake of protecting their own people from the vicious imperialism. He concluded that human beings shine only in the collectives and that the DPRK has created a beautiful unity where every individual is closely attached to the collectives.
The seminar adopted a letter addressed to General Secretary Kim Jong Un.

Finally, Secretary General Ogami Ken-ichi of the IIJI made a closing address.
He firstly thanked all the lecturers and speakers, including Prof. Harish Chander Gupta and Dr. Sadhna Harish from India, for their active participation and excellent lectures and speeches.
He then spoke about the situation of the DPRK along with the recent situation in Japan in the followings:
“On December 27, last year General Secretary Kim Jong Un sent a letter to those attending the Ninth Congress of the Korean’s Children Union entitled “March Towards the Future of a Powerful Country under the Unfurled Flag of the Korean Children’s Union.
“In the DPRK, it has been nearly 100 years since the founding of the Saenal Boys League at the beginning of the Korean Revolution, and more than 70 years have passed since the Founding of the Korean Children’s Union after the liberation.
“In his letter, General Secretary Kim Jong Un said: ‘The most important thing for the Party to advance the revolution is to build a dignified and powerful country where the next generation will live proudly for 50 or 500 years without bowing down to others. The purpose of our people’s firm adherence to the red banner of socialism, the purpose of building the world’s most powerful weapons against severe difficulties, the purpose of continuing to build power stations, factories, new cities and villages, is to give the next generation bright smiles and happiness without envy, to hand over them an eternally strong country where they will enjoy the happiness of their children and their children’s children. And to hand over to the next generation an eternally strong nation that will enjoy the happiness of its children for generation to come.’ There is no other leader like Kim Jong Un who promotes the happiness of the next generation as the Party's primary project.
“The nuclear forces of the DPRK are not only for the protection of the present, but also for the future prosperity, especially for the happiness of the children of the next generation. In the DPRK, children shine and their future is bright.
“While the DPRK is ensuring a happy future for her children, the Japanese government is pursuing policies that will darken the future of the next generation and force them to make great sacrifices. In Ukraine, more than 40 percent of the population is internally and externally displaced. It is weapons that have killed the Ukrainian people and destroyed the country, and the United States is the largest arms sponsor in Ukraine. The US uses the people's blood money to buy weapons, bringing enormous profits to the military industry. On December 17, last year, the Japanese government, which is subservient to the US, released three security-related documents that will increase military spending to 40 trillion yen over the next five years. The government is using deficit-covering government bonds to finance military expansion, including preemptive base attacks, imposing an enormous amount of debt on the generation of children who will become adults in 10 to 20 years.
“It is of great significance to learn from General Secretary Kim Jong Un, who leads a politics that loves and trusts children and a politics that brightens the future of the next generation.”
Thus, IIJI Secretary General Ogami Ken-ichi concluded in such a way that the seminar had demonstrated the righteousness and potentiality of the Juche idea.
“New Year, Art Performances”
With Songs and Dances with Determination for Peace
After the seminar, “New Year, Art Performances” was held, featuring Kina Shokichi & Gwinko, Toyama Yoko, and Chijinshu-wakateiida that is a young drummers’ group.

Peace activist and artist Kina Shokichi expressed to do his possible best for world peace, for Okinawa not to become a US frontier base, and for the reunification of the Korean Peninsula, and sang songs with a rousing prayer for them. In response to an encore from the audience, he sang his original song “Hai-sai Ojisan (Hello, Mister),” and some of the audience jumped on stage and started dancing to the music, which was met with a whirlwind of laughter and applause.

Toyoma Yoko, vice-chairperson of the Japan-DPRK Association for Music and Arts Exchanges talked about the time when she made her debut as a singer in the followings: in the Japanese entertainment industry, entertainers are subjected to bashing if they publicly visit the DPRK or sing songs of the DPRK. She performed an Enka (traditional Japanese ballad) composed by her late singing teacher with an appreciation for him, a composer, who gave his tacit approval to her, which made it possible for her to combine her singing and friendship activity with the DPRK.
Toyama Yoko then left the stage and performed other songs as she approached the audience.
She then returned to the stage again and sang a song written in the DPRK with full of emotions for General Secretary Kim Jong Un.

Finally, an Okinawan young drummers’ group called “Chijinshu-wakateiida,” that dance while beating traditional drums performed a variety of Eisa cheerfully, energetically, and powerfully. They danced to music with the lyrics like when they climb up the site of a castle in Urazoe,

Regular Study Meeting of IIJI Held in Tokyo

A Regular Study Meeting of the IIJI was held in Tokyo on January 10, 2023.
Present there were Juche idea researchers in various walks of life, some 50 in all, including Dr. Ogami Ken-ichi, secretary general of the IIJI, Rector Han Tong Song at Korea University in Japan, who is also director of the IIJI Board, Suzuki Toshikazu, representative coordinator of the Tokai Liaison Council for the Study of Kimilsung-Kimjongilism and Mizutani Kenji, secretary general of the Japanese Committee for the Support of Independent and Peaceful Reunification of Korea.
Lectures were given by the following scholars: Prof. Harish Chander Gupta, director general of the Asian Regional Institute of the Juche Idea, Dr. Sadhna Harish, former principal of Vivekananda College, the University of Delhi, Prof. Emeritus Kamakura Takao at Saitama University, who is also director of the IIJI Board, and President Ri Yong Su of the Association of Social Scientists of Korean Residents in Japan.

Firstly, in his lecture entitled “How to View the Situation in Ukraine―For the Establishment of Independence and Peace,” Prof. Kamakura Takao said as follows:
“The ongoing war in Ukraine was started by the US to weaken Russia, and economic sanctions against Russia have enriched US trade companies and multinational corporations. Under these circumstances, it is indispensable for us to learn from the DPRK as a model that has established a relationship of mutual respect and solidarity among nations.”

Next, in her lecture entitled “Self-reliance, National Prosperity, Independence and World Peace,” Dr. Sadhna Harish said as follows:
“We are still living in the first quarter of the 21st century in a uniquely complicated situation of internal and external crisis, anxiety and fear, economic, social and political instability, warfare and hostilities among nations and states, created by so called superpowers. Many wars and conflicts at present are ongoing around the world. As a case, almost 14 trillion dollars have already been spent in Myanmar, enough to end world hunger 42 times over.
“Self-reliance is independence and independence based on self-reliance is the magic key to world peace, which is what I want to argue. The Juche idea advocates the importance of self-reliance and emphasizes human dignity, each nation and its independence, and the Juche idea is necessary for world peace.”

Next, in his lecture entitled “Importance of Socialist Education in Juche Korea,” Prof. Harish Chander Gupta said as follows:
“Looking at the actual state of education at the time of Korean liberation on 15th August, 1945, most of the children at school age were denied access to school education. Immediately after liberation priority was given by the Party and the Government to develop an educational system in the country. Not only the primary and secondary schools were built to provide free education to all the children, but also steps were taken to build universities and colleges in the country to provide higher education.
“The socialist education in DPRK is thoroughly guided by the Juche idea which was authored by the respected President Kim Il Sung, the founder of the socialist Korea.”

Lastly, in his lecture entitled “Kim Jong Un’s Future Vision of Korea and World,” President Ri Yong Su said as follows:
“General Secretary Kim Jong Un clarified the characteristics of a thriving socialist power as the future vision in the followings: ‘Single-hearted unity and invincible military might plus the industrial revolution in the new century is just the thriving socialist country.’ He also clarified the future vision of the world in that it is an independent world that is one free from domination and subordination, aggression and intervention, where the sovereignty and equality of all countries and nations are guaranteed.”
Then, President Ri Yong Su referred to the detailed contents of the future vision clarified by General Secretary Kim Jong Un.
The meeting was closed with the address by Suzuki Toshikazu.
“New Year, Event of Culture & Exchanges”
The Regular Study Meeting of the IIJI was followed by “New Year, Event of Culture & Exchanges.”
It was featured by Ikebe Yukie, chairperson of the Japan-DPRK Association for Music and Arts Exchanges, Narita Tokuhei, traditional craftsman of Ainu and the Tokyo, Korean Song & Dance Troupe.

Ikebe Yukie, born in Hiroshima, played pieces that have long been familiar to the Japanese people on the piano, in a wish to contribute to building a peaceful society where atomic bombs will never be used again.

After making an address in Ainu, Narita Tokuhei performed “Emusi Limuse (Sword Dance)”, a traditional dance that reflects the beliefs and lifestyle of the Ainu people and has been passed down unchanged since ancient times.

The Tokyo, Korean Song & Dance Troupe performed a number of famous Korea songs, together with traditional Korean dances, which conveyed their ethnic emotions and pride.
Visiting Korea University for Exchanges
During their stay in Japan, Prof. Harish Chander Gupta and Dr. Sadhna Harish visited Korea University in Japan and had an opportunity to have a familiar talk with its rector Han Tong Song and deans of the departments and others.
After listening to the explanations by the university professors on the historical process of founding the University, the outline of its ethnic education along with how the University educates its students on the Juche idea, both of them expressed their respects and appreciation to those teaching staff of Korea University for their exert to educate the next generation under such difficult circumstances that there is no diplomatic relations between the DPRK and Japan, while having the DPRK passports as their nationality.
After the familiar talks, they visited the museum on the campus and renewed their appreciation of the care and concern that President Kim Il Sung, General Secretary Kim Jong Il, and General Secretary Kim Jong Un showed for the children of the Korean residents in Japan.
Mutually Giving Deep Impressions to Each Other
On January 8, after the National Seminar on the Juche Idea was held in Okinawa, at a reception carried out among the participants, Prof. Harish Chander Gupta and Dr. Sadhna Harish both spoke of their joy for being able to visit Japan breaking through the COVID-19 pandemic and, above all, proposed a toast to the good health and long life of General Secretary Kim Jong Un.
Similarly, on January 10, after joining the IIJI’s Regular Study Meeting in Tokyo, at the “New Year, Event for Culture and Exchanges,” both of them said that, let alone those lecturers at the seminar and the Regular Study Meeting, it was clear that every participant had a strong sense of independence, and also they had a deep impression when they found those Japanese Juche idea researches active in the study and dissemination of the Juche idea on a daily basis, having a positive influence on their families, while working together as a family.
With Prof. Harish Chander Gupta, director general of the ARIJI Board, and Dr. Sadhna Harish as their main guests, the National Seminar on the Juche Idea and the Regular Study Meeting of the IIJI that were held in early 2023, provided occasions to those all who joined there to pledge to cooperate with each other and to vigorously promote the study and dissemination of the Juche idea in a more active way, so that the world can surely move toward independence and peace in the New Year.