"Study of the Juche Idea", journal

Published: April 15, 1978
Publishing Office: International Institute of the Juche Idea
Address: 1-7-14-302, Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 170-0014 JAPAN
Tel./Fax.: +81-3-3981-3192

The “Study of the Juche Idea” No.89
New Era of Independence and Peace Initiated by Chairman Kim Jong Un
IIJI 40th Founding Anniversary
International Seminar on “the Juche Idea and 70 Years of the DPRK”
Nordic Seminar on Cause of Independence

No.88, October, 2017;

Statement of Chairman of State Affairs Commission of DPRK
Kim Jong Un

Special Edition Commemorating 105th Birth Anniversary of
President Kim Il Sung

Workshops to Commemorate 105th Birth Anniversary of President Kim Il Sung in Pyongyang:


Juche Idea Shows Future of Independent and Peaceful World
Ramon Jimenez Lopez, director general of the IIJI Board

For Independence of One’s Own Country and World
with Faith in Kimilsung-Kimjongilism
Ogami Ken-ichi, secretary general of the IIJI


Miracles and Victory in DPRK over Last 5 Years:
Fruition of Wise Leadership of Chairman Kim Jong Un
Edmond Jouve, director general of the ERSSJI Board

People-centred Korean-style Socialism Is Invincible
Juha Kieksi, president, Finnish Society for Study of Juche Idea

Asian Regional Seminar on "Self-Reliance-Key to Independence" in Colombo:


Self-Reliance - Key to Independence
Suresh P. Pathak, president, Kimilsung-Kimjongilism Study Society of India

Historical Struggle Waged in Sri Lanka for Independence
W.A. Duminduwardane, deputy director-general of the ARIJI Board

African Regional Seminar on “Independence and Development
of Africa” in Johannesburg:


Need for Integration of Africa for Rapid Transformation
Henry Masiko, director general of the ARCSJI Board


Establishing Independence in Politics as Foremost Important Task
Lohekele Kalonda Andre, secretary general of the ARCSJI


Independence and Development of Africa, Juche Idea Way Forward
Alhassan Mamman Muhammad, professor at University of Abuja, Nigeria


Independent Development, Core of Kimilsung-Kimjongilism
Harish Gupta, director general of the ARIJI Board

100 Years since Russian Revolution

-Learning from Its Success and Frustration-
Kamakura Takao, prof. emeritus at Saitama University, Japan

Characteristics and Historical Significance of Juche-oriented Nuclear-armed State
Ri Yong Su, president, Association of Korean Social Scientists in Japan


National Seminars on Juche Idea Held in Japan, India, Uganda and Nigeria


World Juche Idea Researchers Visit Mangyongdae to Commemorate
105th Birth Anniversary of President Kim Il Sung (Pyongyang in April, 2017)

No.87, September, 2016;

Speech Delivered at Military Parade and Public Procession of Pyongyang Citizens Held in Celebration of 70th Anniversary of WPK
Kim Jong Un

For Independence and Peace in World
Prof. Ramon Jimenez Lopez (Director General of the IIJI Board)

Anti-imperialist Struggle for Development in Africa Under Banner of Juche Idea
Dr. Francis Fanuel Lyimo (Deputy Director-General of the ARCSJI Board)

Kimilsung-Kimjongilism Is Banner of Anti-imperialism and Independence in Latin America Ogami Ken-ichi (Secretary General of the IIJI)

No.86, October, 2015;

Speech Delivered at Military Parade and Public Procession of Pyongyang Citizens Held in Celebration of 70th Anniversary of WPK
Kim Jong Un

On Occasion of Banquet Hosted by DPRK Government
Thae Hyong Chol (Chairman of the KASS)

Workers' Party of Korea – Party with Difference
Harish Gupta (Deputy Director-General of the IIJI Board)

African People Stand in Solidarity with Korean People Maintaining Independence
Henry Masiko (Director General of the ARCSJI Board)

Let Us Push Forward Cause of Independence under Banner of Kimilsung-Kimjongilism
Ogami Ken-ichi (Secretary General of the IIJI)

Main Activities of Far East Kimilsung-Kimjongilism Study Association, Russia
Gennady P. Kulikov (Vice-Chairman of FEKKSA, Russia)

Experience of Study and Dissemination of Kimilsung-Kimjongilism in Japan
Fujii Taeko (Secretary General of the GLCSKK, Japan)

Visiting DPRK from Various Countries in Worldto Celebrate 70th Founding Anniversary of WPK

Report on IIJI's Work

People's Life in DPRK and Juche Idea
Jose Francisco Aguilar Bulgarelli (Director General Emeritus of the LAIJI Board)

Building Independent Economy and Cooperation on Basis of Juche Idea Francis Fanuel Lyimo (Deputy Director-General of the ARCSJI Board)

Serial Course:
Q&A on the Juche Philosophy: Outlook on Life

No.85, August, 2014;

Let Us Hasten the Final Victory through a Revolutionary Ideological Offensive
Kim Jong Un

〜Seminar on "Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism and Cause for Global Independence"〜

Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism and Cause for Global Independence
Ramon Jimenez Lopez (Deputy Director‐General of the IIJI Board)

Congratulatory Speech:
Guiding Idea in Our Era Regarding People as Most Precious and Powerful Beings
Ji Sung Chol (Vice‐President of the KASS)

Songun Politics Rooted in Juche Idea: It's Importance in Maintaining Cause of World Independence and Transformation
Henry Masiko (Director General of the ARCSJI Board)

President Kim Il Sung Who Made Theoretical and Practical Contributions to Revolutionary Cause of World and Juche Idea
Omar Lopez (Deputy Director‐General of the LAIJI Board)

Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism Contributing to Cause of Human Emancipation: Its Relevance for African Peoples
Lohekele Kalonda Andre (Secretary General of the ARCSJI)

Superiority of Juche Idea
Garib Newaz (Chairman of the Bangladesh People's League)

Role of Juche Idea in Building Independent Society
Kamakura Takao (Representative Coordinator of the JNLCSKK)

〜European Regional Seminar on Juche Idea〜

Having Juche Idea Is Fundamental Way for Social Progress and Human Welfare
Edmond Jouve (Director General of the ERSSJI Board)

Welcome Speech:
For Realizing Mutual Benefit, Equal and Harmonious Society, Being Opposed to Domination and Dependence
Matteo Carbonelli (Secretary General of the ERSSJI)

State Sovereignty, Independence and EU
Vassile Orleanu (President of Supreme Council of Romanian Socialist Party)

Time to Uphold Aloft Banner of Independence in Europe
Ogami Ken‐ichi (Secretary General of the IIJI)

Life Whole‐heartedly Devoted to Path of Juche
‐ Homage to Dr. Vishwanath, Director General Emeritus of the IIJI Board ‐

Suresh P. Pathak (Director of the ARIJI Board)

Great Teacher of Social Scientists
Hugh Goodacre (Teaching Fellow at University College London)

Serial Course:
Q&A on the Juche Philosophy: Laws of Social Development

No.84, September, 2013;

The Great Kim Il Sung Is the Eternal Leader of Our Party and Our People
Kim Jong Un

〜Latin American Regional Seminar on the Juche Idea〜

Latin American Struggles for Independence and Peace
Ramon Jimenez Lopez (Director General of the LAIJI Board)

Building Independent and Peaceful Latin America Based on Principles of Juche
Jose Francisco Aguilar Bulgarelli (Director General Emeritus of the LAIJI Board)

Solution to Problems Generated by Globalization
Roberto Carbonel Pezo (Director of the LAIJI Board)

〜African Regional Seminar on the Juche Idea〜

With Prospect of Glorious Independent Africa
Henry Masiko (Director General of the ARCSJI Board)

Juche Idea Serves as Guideline for Renaissance and Transformation of Africa
Kirunda Kivejinja (Senior Advisor to the President’s Office of Uganda)

Congratulatory Address
Kimilsung-Kimjongilism Is Guiding Idea of People Living in Era of Independence
Ogami Ken-ichi (Secretary General of the IIJI)

Politics that Safeguards Dignity and Pride of People
Yahia Zakaria Khair-allah (Deputy Director General of the ARCSJI Board)

〜14th Meeting of Executive Committee of the IIJI〜

Work of the IIJI
Vishwanath (Director General of the IIJI Board)

Work Plan of the IIJI
〜Studies on the Juche idea, Korean Issue & References〜

Mexican Youth Committee for Study of Kimilsung-Kimjongilism

The Reasons for the Crisis on the Korean Peninsula
Alexander Vorontsov (Head of Department for Korea at Institute for Oriental Studies of Russian Academy of Sciences)

Serial Course
Questions and Answers on the Juche Philosophy

No.83, June, 2012;

Let Us Brilliantly Accomplish the Revolutionary Cause of Juche, Holding Comrade Kim Jong Il in High Esteem as the Eternal General Secretary of Our Party
Kim Jong Un

Ideology and Cause of President Kim Il Sung Are Immortal
Vishwanath (Director General of the IIJI Board)

Joint Congratulatory Letter:
To Participants in World Congress on Juche Idea
Kim Yong Nam (President of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People’s Assembly)

Congratulatory Speeches:
Guinean People Are Still Remembering President Kim Il Sung
Ahmed Tidjani Cisse (Minister of Culture and Heritage, Guinea)

Juche Idea Is Guiding Idea of People Aspiring after Anti-imperialist Independence
Rosanita Monteiro de Campos (Vice-Chairperson of the Party for Free Motherland of Brazil)

Juche Idea Founded by President Kim Il Sung Is Banner of Victory
Kim Ki Nam (President of the KASS)

Congratulatory Message:
Path of Life President Kim Il Sung Traversed Is Exemplar to World People Struggling for Independence
Jose Francisco Aguilar Bulgarelli (First Honorary Director General of the LAIJI Board)

First Secretary Kim Jong Un Is Successor to Revolutionary Cause of Juche
Ogami Ken-ichi (Secretary General of the IIJI)

President Kim Il Sung Is Outstanding Thinker and Theoretician
Who Provided Humankind with Bright Future
Edmond Jouve (President of the ERSSJI)

Building of People-centred Socialism under Leadership of President Kim Il Sung
Yahia Zakaria Khair-allah (Deputy Director-General of the ARCSJI Board)

“Globalization” Is Tool for Imperialists’ Strategy of World Hegemony
Matteo Carbonelli(Secretary General of the ERSSJI)

Life of President Kim Il Sung Is Life Devoted to People’s Cause of Independence
Manju Ratna Sakya (Chairman of the Nepal Journalists Association for Studying Juche Idea and Songun Policy)

Self-reliance Leads to Road of Prosperity and Development for Countries and Nations
W. A. Duminduwardane (President of the Sri Lanka Society for Self-reliance (Juche) Studies)

Struggle of Korean People to Build Thriving Socialist Nation Will Surely Win
Saber Balloul (Course Head of International Economics, Damascus University, Syria)

Crisis of Independence in Africa and Struggle for Liberation under Banner of Juche
Francis Fanuel Lyimo (Deputy Director-General of the ARCSJI Board)

Declaration: Pyongyang Declaration of World Congress on Juche Idea

News: Society for Study of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism Inaugurated in Tokyo

No.82, November, 2011;

Kim Il Sung

President Kim Il Sung Who Devoted His Whole Life to People
Vishwanath (Director General of the IIJI Board)

Anti-imperialist Struggles in Latin America and Juche Idea
Ramon Jimenez Lopez (Secretary General of the LAIJI)

Workers’ Party of Korea That Has Been Victoriouswith Might of Single-minded Unity
Mun Jong Suk (Section Chief of the KASS)

Let Us Build a World of Independence and Peace under the Banner of Juche
Ogami Ken-ichi (Secretary General of the IIJI)

Independent Europe Is an Antidote to Globalization
Edmond Jouve (President of the ERSSJI)

Juche Idea and New Era for Independence, Unity, Cooperationand Self-Reliance in Africa
Francis Fanuel Lyimo (Deputy Director-General of the ARCSJI)

Eternal Love and Obligations to Chinese Revolutionaries
Zheng Ji Ren (Deputy Editor of Journal, the “Scientific Policymak)

Let Us Study and Disseminate Juche Idea to Carve Out New Century of Juche!

Celebrations of 65th Founding Anniversary of the WPK Held

Serial Course:
Questions and Answers on the Juche Philosophy: What Is the Social History?

No.81, February, 2009;

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea Is a Juche-oriented Socialist State with Invincible Might
Kim Jong Il

Industrialization and Development Model in Socialist Korea
Bruno Amoroso (Vice-President of the ERSSJI)

It Is the African People That Carve Out the Path of Africa
Baguma Isoke(Chairman of tha ARCSJI)
Removing the DPRK from the List of Terrorist-Sponsoring States:
A U.S. Choice

Anthony DiFilippo (Professor at Lincoln University, the U.S.)

"Eternal Companions"
Ho Jong Man (Vice-Chairman of the Central Standing Committee of the Chongryon)

For a Change in Latin Amerika

The 18th Meeting of the Bound of Directors of the the IIJI

Serial Course:
Questions and Answers on the Juche Philosophy

No.80, May, 2008;


Kim Il Sung

Keynote Report:
Let Us Achieve the World Peace and Global Independence,
Upholding the Banner of the Juche Idea

Vishwanath(Director General of the IIJI Board)

Congratulatory Speeches:
Glorious 30 Years for the Study and Dissemination of the Juche Idea
Choe Sang Sun (Chairman of the KASS)

Juche Idea: a Guarantee for Safeguarding Dignity and Independence of Human Beings
K. S. Rao (Member of Parliament, India)

In Pursuit of Juche Idea with Comrades in the World
Edmond Jouve (President of the ERSSJI)

Independent Economic Prosperity and Importance of Juche Idea
Reggie Ranatunga (Director General of the ARIJI Board)

Wind of Independence Is Now Turning into Storm of Independence
Alba Chavez (Chairperson of the Executive Committee of the LAIJI)

IIJI's Contribution to Study of Juche Philosophy in Africa
Octave Kamwiziku (Secretary General of the ARCSJI)

The People's Fight for Peace, Independence and Self-reliance:
A Status and Looking Forward

Bruno Amoroso (Vice-President of the ERSSJI)

Proud 30th Founding Anniversary:
Let Us Take This Day as Our Starting Point

Romesh Chandra (President of Honour of the World Peace Council)

The End of the Imperialist Domination and the Triumph of Socialism
Kamakura Takao (Director of the IIJI Board)

Declaration on 30th founding anniversary of the IIJI

Work Report:
-Report to the 11th Executive Committee Meeting of the Board of Directors of the IIJI-
Let Us Make a Deep Study of the Juche Idea
and Disseminate It to Every Nation of the World

Ogami Ken-ichi (Secretary General of the IIJI)

30th Founding Anniversary of the IIJI:
Commemorative Functions Held with Great Achievements and Pride

To Open a New Door -The National Forum on the Juche Idea-

AFRICA: Continuing the Struggle for Independence
Baguma Isoke (Director General of the ARCSJI Board)

Great Philosphy Which Clearly Indicates the Path
toward Development to the People of the World

Vasile Orleanu (President of the Supreme Council of the Socialist Party of Romania)

No.79, September, 2007;

For the Development of the Non-Aligned Movement
by Kim Il Sung

Unforgettable Memories with President Kim Il Sung
by J.F.Aguilar Bulgarelli (The First President of the LAIJI)

Songun Politics: New Strategy for Struggles in Africa
by Roland Vele Mukelenge (Assistant Professor at University of Kinshasa)

The Sun Never Sets in Korea
by Yahia Zakaria Khair-allah (Secretary General of the Arab Association of Art, Culture and Information, Egypt, Chairman of the ECSJI)

National Independence and Globalization
by Bruno Amoroso (Professor at Rome University, Vice-President of the ERSSJI)

Advent of Era of Independence and Peace
by Mushakoji Kinhide (Head of the Asian Pacific Study Centre, Osaka University of Economy and Law, Director of the IIJI Board)

For Establishment of Cooperative Relations in Northeast Asia
by Alexander V. Vorontsov (Head of Department of Korean Studies, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences)

ERSSJI Board Meeting and European Seminar of Historical Significance

Serial Course:
Questions and Answers on Juche Philosophy: What Is Philosophy ?

No.78, December, 2006;

Towards Nearing Dawn of Independence
by Choe Sang Sun (Chairman of the KASS)

Wind of Independence in Latin America
by Alba Chavez (Secretary General of the LAIJI)

The Banner of Independence Flutters Today
by Ogami Kenichi (Secretary General of the IIJI)

The Juche Idea Serves as the Basis of Everything
by Edmond Jouve (President of the ERSSJI)

The Establishment of Independence Is the Main Task in the 21st Century
by Kamakura Takao (Professor Emeritus at Saitama University)

Fundamental Question and Principle of Juche Philosophy
by Han Tong Song (Professor at Korea University in Japan)

Exchange with Comrades Based on the Juche Idea

Report to the 10th Executive Committee Meeting of the IIJI Board
by Vishwanath (Director General of the IIJI Board)

Work of the IIJI for the Year 2007

Confirmation of the System Led by the IIJI

No.77, September 1, 2003;

Let Us Carry Out President Kim Il Sung's Instructions for
National Reunification
by Kim Jong Il

25th Anniversary of the LAIJI:
Report to Congress by J.F.Aguilar Bulgarelli
Appeal from Congress

16th IIJI Board Meeting:

Work Plan for 2003
Constitution of the IIJI

For Vigorously Advancing Study and Dissemination of Juche Idea
Throughout World by OGAMI Kenichi


by Thomas Loesch


by Han Tong Song

Juche Idea Q&A No.1

No.76, October 10, 2002;

Living Apart from the People Is Impossible
by Kim Il Sung

On Some Tasks of Ideological Education of the Party
by Kim Jong Il
Congress on Cause of Independence in 21st Century
Keynote Report
Colombo Declaration
Congratulatory Speeches:
by Joseph Michael Perera, Sri Lanka
by Yang Hyong Sop, the DPRK

by Garib Newaz,Bangladesh
by A.Andriavelonandro,Madagascar
by Dib Niom, Senegal
by Omar Lopez, Venezuela
by John Zammit , Malta
by Vasile Orleanu, Romania

WORLD news
World Congress in Colombo
LAIJI Secretary General Visits Japan

Juche Viewpoint and Attitude towards World

No.75, June 15, 2002;

For the Accomplishment of the Socialist Cause
by Kim Il Sung

Let Us Train Youth Thoroughly into the Reliable Successors to the Revolutionary Cause of Juch
by Kim Jong Il
9th Executive Committee Meeting of the IIJI Board
Report on IIJI's Activities in 2001
How I Came Across with the Juche Idea
by Vishwanath
Kim Jong Il - Leader of 21st Century
by Alba Chavez


Kim Il Sung-Great Thinker & Theoretician
by Dorank Assifat Diasseny

Activity Report
To Be a Youth shaping 21st Century
by Kuwahata Manami

Juche-oriented View of World

WORLD news
Kim Jong Il
Commemorating 90th Birth Anniversary of Kim Il Sung
9th Executive Committee Meeting of IIJI Boad
Lectures and Exchanging Experiences in Pyongyang

No.74, September 15, 2001;

The Autumn of 1940
by Kim Il Sung Work
Sosialism of Our Country Is a Socialism of Our Style as the Embodiment of the Juche Idea
by Kim Jong Il

by Baguma Isoke
The 21st Century-Kim Jong Il Century
by Vishwanath

8th Executive Committee Meeting of the IIJI Board
Report on Work in 2000

Work Plan for 2001
WORLD news

IIJI Board's 8th Executive Committee Meeting
Director General of the IIJI Visits Japan
VENEZUELA: Latin American Seminar
UGANDA: Kim Jong Il's Work Seminar
Juche-oriented Understanding of Man

No.73, April 15, 2001;

The Revolutionary
Kim Chaek

by Kim Il Sung

On Some Problems of the Ideological Foundation of Socialism
by Kim Jong Il

Activity Report
Kim Jong Ilby Suzuki Yoshio

Appeal of African Conference
Introduction of the Activity
Venezuelan National Association for Study of Juche Idea
Nepal Institute for Juche Studies

World Situation
Difference betweem the Rich and the Poor Increases in the US

Ideology and the Triumph of WPK :A Lesson for Africa
by Chango Machyo w'Obanda
High-priority Army Politics of the Korean Workers' Party
by Choe Yong Chol

WORLD news
Awarding Ceremony of"International Kim Il Sung
Prize" Conducted in Guinea
Uganda, Japan

Mission of Philosophy and Fundamental Question of Philosophy

No.72, November 15, 2000;

Nurturing the Root of the Revolution
by Kim Il Sung

Improving the Layout of the Field Is a Great
Transformation of Nature for the Prosperity of the Country,
a Patriotic Work of Lasting Significance

by Kim Jong Il

Asian Seminar on Juche Idea


by Newaz Khalid Ahmed
For Activities of Juche Idea towards New Century
by Vishwanath

Activity Report
Applying Principle of Self-reliance to Life

Life of Man-Faith and Conscience
Inter-Korean Summit Held

North-South Joint Declaration


by B.Chango Machyo w'Obanda
Toward the World Based on Unification and Diversity
by Giuseppe Amata
On Korean People's Struggle to Build Socialist Powerful Nation
by Kim Yong Il

Visiting the DPRK as Head of a Suprapartizan Delegation of Japanese Diet Members
by Murayama Tomiichi

WORLD news
DPRK, Bangladesh, Venezuela, Madagascar

Philosophical Principle of the Juche Idea
4) Man Is a Social Being
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