
ARIJI Publishes Its Journal
“Age of Juche” for June 2017

-Featuring Asian Regional Seminar & Indian National Seminar-

   The Journal “Age of Juche” for June 2017 has been published by the Asian Regional Institute of the Juche Idea. This issue features an Asian Regional Seminar on the Juche Idea in Colombo and an Indian National Seminar in Chandigarh respectively held in March 2017.
   Prof. Suresh P. Pathak, its editor-in-chief, who is also president of the Indian Society for the Study of Kimilsung-Kimjongilism, said in the editorial as follows: “The year 2017 marks two great birth anniversaries: the 105th of our eternal President Kim Il Sung and the 75th of our great General Secretary Kim Jong Il. One can go on and on endlessly enumerating their contribution to Korea, nay to whole human race by their actions and their preaching.”

A List of Papers and Contributions Carried on the Issue: