“Study of the Juche Idea, ” No.92, for May 2023 Published

The IIJI has published its latest journal “Study of the Juche Idea,” No.92 for May 2023 as a commemoration issue of the 111th birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung and the 45th founding anniversary of the International Institute of the Juche Idea.
This English edition carries a work by General Secretary Kim Jong Un, who pays particular attention to the education of the upcoming generation.
This one also carries lectures given in a series of seminars and symposiums on the occasions of Juche idea researchers’ visit to Japan, including from India, Italy, Mexico, Mongolia and Russia over January to April 2023.
This one can be said to be a must in making a deep understanding of the universal significance of the study and dissemination of the Juche idea in the contemporary world.