Deepening Understanding of Kimilsung-Kimjongilism
through Series of Lectures
A series of lectures on Kimilsung-Kimjongilism were held in Mexico like weekly from July 2021 to April 2022 with Prof. Ramon Jimenez Lopez, director general of the International Institute of the Juche Idea as the main lecturer.
Introducing here are some excerpts from lectures given by Prof. Ramon Jimenez Lopez there:

Ideological work of consciously awakening the people is of decisive importance in Mexico. For the people to become masters of society it would be an important task.
President Kim Il Sung, who regarded it as an important task to transform the whole society as required by the Juche idea, put forward as an important task for all the members of the society to equip themselves with the revolutionary idea of the working class and then to become intellectual.
Politics taken by a state should be to serve the people. State should put forward its policies based on the requirement of the people, safeguard them and inspire them to promote their activities.
In the DPRK there has been expanding political foundation which becomes more and more solid like a single-minded unity.
Lopez Obrador, president of Mexico is developing state politics through his creative mode of thinking, and putting his hand to solve many problems including immigrant programs with the US government. He is working with high consciousness to devote himself to the better of the people.
We should look deeply into things based on the Juche idea. For instance, we must not regard this course of lecturers as a mere academic one. This course is also a place for us to think about our own role in the world.
Thus, in Mexico, Juche idea researchers are conducting their study of the Juche idea and putting this idea into practice in conformity with the reality of their own.
Mukesh Sharma Awarded Honorary Doctorate

Mr. Mukesh Sharma, secretary general of the Asian Regional Institute of the Juche Idea (ARIJI) was awarded an honorary doctorate in leadership in MICE at the Ecole Supérieure Robert de Sorbon in July 2022.
Carrying forward the will of late Dr. Vishwanath, his father and director-general emeritus of the International Institute of the Juche Idea, Dr. Mukesh Sharma is responsible for the study and dissemination of the Juche idea.
He has been secretary general of the India National Coordinating Committee for the Study of the Juche Philosophy since 2003. He also has been secretary general of the ARIJI since he was elected in 2010.
On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the demise of General Secretary Kim Jong Il in December 2021, an internet seminar was held by the ARIJI in India as the host country. Dr. Mukesh Sharma played an important role there.

Seminars on Juche Idea Held in Japan
―Scholars Give Lectures in Tokyo, Osaka and Okinawa―
Progressive scholars play important roles in social development in any countries and in any eras.
As a matter of fact, scholars gave lectures at the seminars on the Juche idea held in various parts of Japan, having great influences.
◆National Conference for the Study of the Juche Idea to Commemorate the 110th Birth Anniversary of President Kim Il Sung held in Tokyo on April 9, 2022:
This gathering hosted by the Japanese National Liaison Council for the Study of Kimilsung-Kimjongilism and supported by the IIJI was held on a grand scale with a lot of attendance of Juche idea researchers all over Japan, Japan-DPRK friendship activists, Korean residents in Japan, foreigners in Japan, etc.

Prof. Emeritus Kamakura Takao at Saitama University, director of the IIJI Board, who is also representative coordinator to the Japanese National Liaison Council for the Study of Kimilsung-Kimjongilism gave a lecture entitled “Truthfulness of the Juche Idea―of Today’s Significance in Self-reliance.” He stressed that under the circumstances affected by COVID-19 that production level had been on the decline on a worldwide scale and economic activities had been badly damaged, the DPRK’s social construction based on self-reliance proved its validity and vitality.

As the other lecturer, Rector Han Tong Song at Korea University in Japan, who is also director of the IIJI Board gave a lecture entitled “The Origin of Kimilsung-Kimjongilism and Its Development and Enrichment.” He said that it was President Kim Il Sung who founded the Juche idea, General Secretary Kim Jong Il who systematized it. It is General Secretary Kim Jong Un who clarified that Kimilsung-Kimjongilism is in essence the people-first doctrine and who was now advancing socialist construction, communist construction, relying on the popular masses.
◆Regular Study Meeting hosted by the IIJI in Tokyo on May 20, 2022:
It was joined by Dr. Ogami Ken-ichi, secretary general of the IIJI, Prof. Emeritus Ohuchi Noriaki at Kanto Gakuin University and Ri Yong Su, president of the Association of Social Scientists of Korean Residents in Japan and other Juche idea researchers from Tokyo and the Kanto Region, both Japanese and Korean residents in Japan.

President Ri Yong Su referred to three works published by General Secretary Kim Jong Un this year: "Secretaries of Primary Party Committees Should Become Genuine Political Workers of the Motherly Party," the Conclusion at the 2nd Conference of Secretaries of Primary Committees of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) on February 28, 2022; "On Eliminating Formalism and Bringing About a Fundamental Innovation in the Party's Ideological Work," a letter of General Secretary Kim Jong Un sent to those attending the first workshop of officials in the information field of the WPK on March 28, 2022; and General Secretary Kim Jong Un’s speech at military parade held in celebration of the 90th founding anniversary of the KPRA on April 25, 2022.
Prof. Ohuchi Noriaki gave a lecture entitled “DPRK’s Socialist Constitution and Human Rights.” He stated that the DPRK’s socialist constitution is different from the preceding socialist ones, by renovating constitutional system that previously put an emphasis on the functioning of a state. Being based on the Juche idea, the DPRK’s socialist constitution stipulates human rights.
◆Workshop by the Okinawa Liaison Society for the Study of the Juche Idea held on June 18, 2022:
Gathering there were Prof. Emeritus Taira Ken-ichi and Prof. Emeritus Nakamura Hoshin, both of whom are at Okinawa University, lawyer, those who are involved in the campaign against the Henoko Base construction, members of the Juche idea study groups, learners and others.
Prof. Taira Ken-ichi gave a lecture as follows:

The US is aiming for a new world hegemony. The current Ukraine war can be seen as a proxy war in which the US is using Ukraine as a place to break down Russia.
The campaign against the Henoko Base construction has been going on for 25 years. The Japanese government is going ahead with the construction of the base without listening to the Okinawans’ voice for peace.
Japan’s policy of subordination to the US must be changed.
It can be said that the establishment of Japan’s independence should be an important political foundation and a guideline for Japan to follow.
Prof. Nakamura Hoshin commented on what was happening in Ukraine in that the US military-industrial complex is trying to divide relations between Russia and Ukraine and then make money by sending missiles and weapons to Ukraine one after another.
◆Regular Study Meeting by the Kansai Liaison Council for the Study of Kimilsung-Kimjongilism held in Osaka on July 2, 2022:

Prof. Emeritus Ie Masaji at Kobe City University of Foreign Studies, who is director of the ARIJI Board and also joint representative of the Kansai Liaison Council made an address there, saying that domestically and internationally, power versus power and militarism has become more prominent and that Japan's independence and the democratization of the world have become more and more important.
Prof. Pak Myong at Korea University in Japan gave a lecture entitled “Prospects for Comprehensive Development of Korean Socialism.”
He elaborated on the DPRK’s re-establishment of communism as a realistic goal and its progress towards the comprehensive development of socialism since the 8th Congress of the WPK in January 2021 by quoting from some works of General Secretary Kim Jong Un.
With regard that General Secretary Kim Jong Un has come to use the term of communism, Prof. Pak said that the General Secretary had redefined communism as a realistic goal.
Dr. Ogami Ken-ichi, secretary general of the IIJI made an address there, saying that only 32 countries in the world are in favor of the sanctions against Russia or some 15 percent of the total population, whereas 166 countries in the world or some 85 percent of the total population are not on the side of the sanction as such, showing that many countries are advancing independently without being subordinated to the great powers, which is the trend of the preset times.