To Commemorate 80th Birth Anniversary of
General Secretary Kim Jong Il,
Seminars Held in Asia, Africa, Latin America, Europe, etc.
The February 16, 2022 marked the 80th birth anniversary of General Secretary Kim Jong Il.
The exploits of General Secretary Kim Jong Il, who defended the Juche-oriented socialism and laid the foundation of the current socialist power under the severe conditions known as “Arduous March” are of great significance to be engraved in the history of humanity.
Introduced here are some of the seminars on his exploits held in various regions of the world.
Latin American Regional Online Seminar Held
On Subject of “Life and Exploits of Kim Jong Il”
A Latin American Regional Online Seminar on the subject of “Life and Exploits of Kim Jong Il” was held based on Mexico City on February 19, 2022 to commemorate the 80th anniversary of his birth.

Prof. Ramon Jimenez Lopez, director general of the LAIJI Board
Seminar was attended by members of the Board of Directors of the Latin American Institute of the Juche Idea (LAIJI) including its director general Prof. Ramon Jimeniz Lopez; deputy director-general Prof. Omar Lopez; secretary general Eleazar Rubio Aldaran, and Prof. Roberto Carbonel Pezo, and other Juche idea researchers in the region.

In his article contributed to the seminar Prof. Omar Lopez said as follows:
“The life of Kim Jong Il has been of great importance for the destiny and development not only of the Korean people, but also of the progressive people of the world.
“Kim Jong Il took the lead to lead the cause of global independence, with its practical example in the unyielding anti-imperialist struggle, to give encouragement and courage to the countries and nations that aspire to independence.
“The greatest merit of Km Jong Il for global independence is that he opened a hole in the uni-polar system led by US imperialism and in the obsolete political structure power-centred international community, and staunchly advocated peace and security on the Korean Peninsula, in Northeast Asia and the rest of the world.
“The extraordinary political ability and leadership of Kim Jong Il have been clearly manifested at the end of the 20th century when the East-West confrontation was reduced to the confrontation between the DPRK and the U.S. during which the Korean leader not only safeguarded socialism from his country subjected to the terrible conditions and vicissitudes but also led to the rebirth and new rise of world socialism that was on the eve of disappearance.
“The DPRK, of which the U.S. and the West preached its collapse, has now become one of the few countries capable of manufacturing its own satellites and possessing nuclear weapons, victoriously defying the threats, blockades and sanctions of the imperialists. This Korean victory is thanks to Kim Jong Il, the eternal leader of the Korea people.”
On the online seminar, researchers from various countries spoke and enthusiastically exchanged their views and opinions on the subject.
European Regional Online Seminar Held on
Subject of
“Kim Jong ll’s Contribution to Development and
Implementation of Juche Idea”
To commemorate the 80th birth anniversary of General Secretary Kim Jong Il a European Regional Online Seminar on the subject of “Kim Jong ll’s Contribution to the Development and Implementation of Juche Idea” was held based on Rome, Italy on February 19, 2022.
The online seminar was attended by members of the Board of Directors of the European Regional Society for the Study of the Juche Idea (ERSSJI) including its director general Prof. Edmond Jouve, deputy director-general Mr. Keith Bennett, deputy director-general Juha Kieksi and secretary general Matteo Carbonelli; and other Juche idea researchers from the region. Also Dr. Ogami Ken-ichi, secretary general of the International Institute of the Juche Idea, joined it from Japan.

At the beginning of the seminar, Prof. Matteo Carbonelli, secretary general of the ERSSJI referred to the purpose of the seminar in that it is to analyze the activities of Kim Jong Il on the contribution he made to the theoretical elaboration and practical implementation of the Juche idea. He continued as follows:
“Kim Jong Il was a great leader not only of the Korean people but also of the people of other countries, who had made the ideo-theoretical contribution to the international movement for socialism.
“He showed his extraordinary abilities in many fields as he was a statesman, economist, philosopher, ideologist, well-versed on music and arts, culture as well as military affairs.
“When socialism in the USSR and East European countries collapsed, there arose propaganda as of the end of history of Korea. However, the DPRK under the leadership of Kim Jong Il called for the Korean people and the world people to keep the red flag of socialism, while analyzing the reason of the frustration of socialism in those countries and clarifying the inevitability of the victory in socialism.
“Kim Jong Il emphasized ideological activities, and the unity on the basis of the Juche idea, clarifying that it is a key to the emancipation of human beings and the development of society to put them at the centre of everything, and thus guiding the Korean people to achieve magnificent achievements all over the country.”
His speech was followed by an address of Dr. Ogami Ken-ichi, secretary general of the IIJI in expressing his congratulations on the success in the seminar.

Mr. Keith Bennett extended his thanks to Prof. Matteo Carbonelli for his efforts in organizing the seminar. He continued as follows:
“It is important for us as students, followers of the Juche idea to learn from the Juche idea in order to conduct our activities in our own countries as well as in the European countries as a whole. The Juche idea is an idea that safeguards the independence of the people who are in the struggle against all forms of domination, exploitation and oppression.
“Comrade Kim Jong Il was a true model and paragon of the complete revolutionary leader. He had always based himself among the people.
“It is only the DPRK that the cause of succeeding to the revolutionary leader has been carried through so faultlessly and so correctly from generation to generation.
“Being ensured by the revolution carried forward by General Secretary Kim Jong Un who is following the leadership by General Secretary Kim Jong Il, the DPRK is contributing to showing the prospects for socialism despite of the challenges of imperialist attacks such as sanctions and blockades as well as the difficulties caused by the new coronavirus pandemic.”

Mr. Juha Kieksi made a speech as follows:
“Comrade Kim Jong Il emphasized that the continuity of leadership must be ensured to complete the cause of socialism. He said that the historical lessons show that the working class party must be developed into the party of the working masses, the party with the demands and expression of that class, the party with its spirit as only of that class. He further said that putting priority to ideological work guarantees victory in socialist ideology.
“The communist society is the most progressive and developed society that guarantees human independence. However, this society does not happen automatically. Changes require the work among the people to raise their awareness. Herein lies our task. The Juche idea is a living theory, whose correctness should be proven in its daily practice.”
Asian Regional Institute of Juche Idea Holds
Internet Seminar on Subject of
“Immortal achievements of Great Leader
Comrade Kim Jong Il for formulation of Juche idea
as Kimilsungism and further development of it”
To commemorate the 80th birth anniversary of General Secretary Kim Jong Il, the Asian Regional Institute of the Juche Idea (ARIJI) hosted an internet seminar on February 14, 2022 on the subject of “The immortal achievements of the Great Leader Comrade Kim Jong Il for formulation of the Juche idea as Kimilsungism and further development of it,” posting papers concerned on its website.
Posted there were many articles of Juche idea researchers from the Asian region contributed to the internet seminar, including members of the Board of Directors of the ARIJI like deputy secretary-general Subash Kaji Shrestha, director Muhammad Qamarul Huda, and director Javed Ansari.
A congratulatory message from the Korean Association of Social Scientists was also carried there. It reads:
“The Seminar will contribute to conveying forever the ideological and theoretical achievements of General Secretary Kim Jong Il who opened a new era of independence, and will actively inspire and encourage the world progressive people to endeavor to build a new world where the man-centered revolutionary idea, the Juche idea, will have been fully embodied.”
In his article Mr. Javed Ansari says as follows:
“Comrade Kim Jong Il set it as his lifelong mission to carry forward the revolutionary cause of Juche started by President Kim Il Sung. He enriched and further developed the Juche idea in an all-round way and made it as the guiding ideology in the era of independence.
“Comrade Kim Jong Il formulated President Kim Il Sung’s revolutionary thought as Kimilsungism and presented modelling the whole society on Kimilsungism as the highest program of the Workers’ Party of Korea and the revolution. In this way he brought about a revolutionary change in accomplishing the revolutionary cause of Juche.
“Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism is a banner of struggle of the world progressive people who are advancing dynamically along the road of independence and progress, peace and prosperity.
“Kimilsungism–Kimjongilism now has become a guiding ideology of the era that all countries and nations that aspire for independence and love justice and truth choose and accept for themselves, since it gives the most correct answers to all theoretical and practical problems arising in the present era.”
In his article, Mr. Subash Kaji Shrestha says as follows:
“President Kim Il Sung discovered the truth of Juche that one’s revolution can be won only by believing one’s people and relying on them and that all problems in the revolution should be solved independently and creatively in the practical struggle of pioneering the path of the Korean revolution, and on this basis declared the founding of the Juche idea, the essence of Kimilsungism in June 1930.
“Kimilsungism was further developed in a comprehensive manner by General Secretary Kim Jong Il in conformity with the requirement of the developing era.
“The Juche idea newly explained the philosophical principle, the socio-historical principle and the guiding principles to illuminate the correct road for the people to shape their destiny.”
In his article entitled “Great Leader Comrade Kim Jong Il Formulated Kimilsungism,” Mr. Muhammad Qamarul Huda says as follows:
“The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is a mighty socialist state of the world. It has achieved tremendous successes in all fields of development.
“General Secretary Kim Jong Il developed and enriched the idea authored by President Kim Il Sung by elucidating such issues as of consciousness of man, of the position of the masses as the driving force of social movement, of the role of the leader in the revolutionary struggle of the working class, of the leader being in inseparable relationship with the party and the masses, of the strategy and tactics of the revolution and of accomplishing the people’s cause of independence.
“General Secretary Kim Jong Il not only enriched the Juche idea, but also formulated the thought of President Kim Il Sung as Kimilsungism, a new ideology of the world. By formulating Kimilsungism he made an unparalleled contribution to the history of theoretical field.
“After the sad demise of Comrade Kim Jong Il, Comrade Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers Party of Korea and supreme leader of DPRK’s armed forces further enriched Kimilsungism and transformed it into Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism.
“Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism is the people-first ideology that puts forward the popular masses as the most precious and powerful beings in the world.
“I would also like to say that under the wise leadership of Comrade Kim Jong UnKim Jong Un the DPRK will be further developed and strengthened.”
African Regional Committee for Study of Juche Idea
Special Issue of Its Journal “Juche Africa” to Commemorate
80th Birth Anniversary of General Secretary Kim Jong Il
In commemoration of the 80th birth anniversary of General Secretary Kim Jong Il, the African Regional Committee for the Study of the Juche Idea (ARCSJI) published a special issue of “Juche Africa” in February 2022.
The issue introduces congratulatory events that were held in various places in Africa along with some articles written by Juche idea researchers in the region including Prof. Francis Fanuel Lyimo, deputy director-general of the ARCSJI Board and Prof. Lohekele Kalonda Andre, secretary general of the ARCSJI.
The issue also covers a congratulatory message sent from the Asian Regional Institute of the Juche Idea.

On the prologue of the issue Prof. Lohekele Kalonda Andre writes: “In order for the humanity to be humanly and reliable it will be necessary for the current and future generations to always pay attention to and put it into practice the multifaceted legacy bequeathed by the leader born on the historical day of the February 16.”

In his article contributed to the issue Prof. Francis Fanuel Lyimo refers to the fact that General Secretary Kim Jong Il removed the historical confusion through his ideo-theoretical activities as follows:
“Kim Jong Il made a tremendous contribution to the popular masses’ cause of independence.
“When the world progressives were at a loss due to temporary setback, the collapse of socialism, Kim Jong Il gave comprehensive answers to all theoretical and practical problems in implementing the popular masses’ cause of independence, the cause of socialism.
“It was when anti-socialist campaign became more serious than ever before but progressive political parties and politicians only petitioned to restore socialism instead of finding a correct path. At that time Kim Jong Il gave confidence in victorious cause of socialism to the world progressives with his energetic ideological and theoretical activities.
“His immortal classic works were a lighthouse and compass that illuminated the people, who did not know what to do, the road ahead of their struggle and dealt a merciless blow to every sort of injustice and sophism.
“Many revolutionary parties and people of the world are now studying and acquiring his idea and theory and making efforts to apply the idea and theory in practice.
“The ideological and theoretical exploits performed by Kim Jong Il for mankind will forever remain in the heart of the progressive people over the world.”
To Commemorate 80th Birth Anniversary of Kim Jong Il Scholars and Students Get Together
On February 14, 2022, Nigerians from all walks of life converged at the auditorium of the Faculty of Social Science, University of Abuja to honour General Secretary Kim Jong Il who would have turned eighty years old on the 16th of February, 2022.
The occasion had the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Abuja, Prof. Abdulrasheed Na’Allah as special guest of honour and he was represented by his Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), Prof. C.B.I. Alawa; the ambassador of the DPRK, H.E. Jan Tong Chol as co-special guest of honour, and the Dean, Faculty of Social Science, Prof. Gobna Wafure as guest of honour.
Hosting members were: the National Chairman of the Nigerian National Committee on the Study of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism, Prof. Alhassan Mamman Muhammad, as chief host; and the Head of the Department of Political Science and International Relations, Prof. Ghali Shariff, as co-chief host. Furthermore, the Director of the Centre for Asian Studies.
In attendance were Professors at the University of Abuja, other senior lecturers, representatives of registered political parties in Nigeria, Honourable Berminas Yilkes who represented the Nigeria-DPRK Friendship Association, students of this University and the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA)-led media organizations in covering the event.
The event commenced with the national anthems of both countries after which Assoc. Prof. Sunday Ishaya, introduced guests and the purpose of the gathering.

The National Chairman of the Nigerian National Committee on the Study of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism, Prof. Alhassan Mamman Muhammad gave his opening speech.
It was followed by addresses of the representative of the Vice Chancellor and the DPRK ambassador. Thereafter, goodwill messages were read aloud.
The second session saw the presentation of two papers: “The Korean Peninsula Reunification: Prospects and Challenges” by the Nigerian National Committee on the Study of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism, Prof. Alhassan Mamman Muhammad; “The Immortal Exploits of H.E. Kim Jong Il” by Dr. Abdulrahman Habu Hamisu of the Department of Political Science and International Relations, University of Abuja.
After the two presentations, there was a questions and answers session.
The exhibition of Kim Jong Il’s works was held there as well.

To Commemorate 80th Birth Anniversary of General
Kim Jong Il “Gathering on Juche Idea for Japan-DPRK
Friendship and Peace” Held

On February 12, 2022, to commemorate the 80th birth anniversary of General Secretary Kim Jong Il, a Gathering entitled “Juche Idea and Friendship between Japan and the DPRK for Peace” was held in Kochi city under the auspices of the Kochi Juche Idea Study Group supported by the International Institute of the Juche Idea (IIJI).
Attending there were Dr. Ogami Ken-ichi, secretary general of the IIJI, Prof. Emeritus Ie Masaji at Kobe City University for Foreign Studies who is also director of the ARIJI Board, President Omine Masaru of the Kochi Juche Idea Study Group, and other Juche idea researchers and Japan-DPRK friendship activists all over Japan.
On behalf of the sponsorship, Mr. Omine Masaru made an address hoping that the gathering would provide an opportunity for those participants to deep their understanding of the Juche idea and Korean socialism and also accelerate the study and dissemination of the Juche idea and Japan-DPRK friendship movement in a more positive manner.
A message sent from the Korean Association of Social Scientists was read aloud.
In his guest speech Prof. Ie Masaji said as follows:
“It was 50 years ago when a declaration for friendship relations was adopted in the United Nations in order to make the relations between nations democratic. Nevertheless, wars have not yet ended in the world community. In Japan as well, it is conspicuous the reactionary tendency to see the motion for the badly amendment of the Constitution of Japan. As Yering said ‘Find your rights in your struggle,’ in order to fulfill your rights it will be necessary to wage struggles for it. So, while studying the Juche idea with an aim to make the world community democratic, I would like to continue to do my possible best in cooperation with you.”
Also at the gathering, another guest address was made by Mr. So Chun On, director of the International and Reunification Department of the Central Headquarters of the General Association of the Korean Residents in Japan. He said as follows:
“After the demise of President Kim Il Sung, General Secretary Kim Jong Il overcame the greatest crisis the DPRK experienced since its foundation with Songun politics and its forced march, and thus defended and enhanced Juche-oriented socialism. He further led to the promotion of global independence through the struggle of the single-minded unity of the leader, the Party, the Army and the people, which put an end to the uni-polar domination of the U.S. Among such contributions, one of the greatest is that he raised General Secretary Kim Jong Un as the successor to the Juche-oriented socialism, and thus built the foundation of the era of Kim Jong Un.”

In the gathering, there was a lecture given by Prof. Fukuhara Yuji at Graduate School of Shimane Prefectural University entitled “Peace in Northeast Asia and Japan-DPRK Relations from Now.” He said:
“Japan has been protected by the U.S. since the end of World War II,but this has not been to the benefit of Japan, and U.S. involvement in Asia has led to the problems between Japan and the Republic of Korea made unsolved. Without U.S. involvement, Japan-ROK relations would have improved.
“There have been various pending issue between Japan and neighboring countries, such as territorial disputes, the issue of sex slavery, and the issue of compulsory recruitment. Rather than earnestly attempting to resolve these issues, Japan has blamed them on the other side, shrugging off her failures. Those issues that were hidden during the Cold War era are now being exposed due to the weakening of U.S. power after the Cold War.
“Many Japanese people believe that the sentiment of ‘anti-Japanese’ is growing in Asian countries, but in the first place, the sentiment of ‘anti-Japanese’ means opposition to Japanese imperialism, not to the Japanese people. We must keep in mind the history of sufferings our Asian neighbors have experienced and do our utmost for peace and prosperity.”

It was followed by another lecture entitled “On the Ideology and Exploits of General Secretary Kim Jong Il” given by Assistant Prof. So Soon Ae, at the Department of Political Science and Economics, Korea University, in Japan as follows:
“As it is said that a great ideology gives birth to a great reality, the leader's ideological and theoretical activities are of decisive significance in carving out the destiny of the popular masses.
“After undertaking a comprehensive review of the preceding thoughts, General Secretary Kim Jong Il systematized President Kim Il Sung's revolutionary thought into Kimilsungism as an integral system of idea, theory and method of Juche.
“General Secretary Kim Jong Il also systematized the Juche idea in its entirety and clarified the philosophical principle, social and historical principle and guiding principles of Juche.
“Then, General Secretary Kim Jong Un formulated the revolutionary thoughts of President Kim Il Sung and General Secretary Kim Jong Il as Kimilsung-Kimjongilism and clarified that the essence of Kimilsung-Kimjongilism is the people-first principle.
“Kimilsung-Kimjongilism has now become a major driving banner for the struggle of the popular masses for global independence.
“The moral virtue of General Secretary Kim Jong Il expresses itself in his setting the joy and happiness of the people as the criterion for everything.”
Finally at the gathering, Rector Han Tong Song at Korea University in Japan, who is also director of the IIJI Board, said as follows:
“When I visited the DPRK with students of this University and attended a banquet, General Secretary Kim Jong Il came to a student of us who had just lost his mother due to the earthquake in Japan and encouraged him by saying not to worry because there is the Party, the fatherland, and the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan. Hearing his saying, those who were there including me could not help but cry. This was an episode that demonstrates the warm and noble virtues of General Secretary Kim Jong Il. So, with this episode, I would like to play my role as concluding this gathering.”

Congratulatory Atmosphere with Variety of Artistic Performances
Next, a variety of songs and dances were performed, including those from Japan, Korea, Mongolia, and other countries.
First, Otake Kimie, master dancer of the Fujima school, and Matsui Natsumi performed a Japanese dance entitled "Mai" (dance). Dressed in tomesode (a Japanese ceremonial kimono) and respectively holding a fan in their hands, their dance was solemn yet glamorous, evoking the coming of spring, which was appropriate to commemorate the 80th anniversary of Kim Jong Il's birth.
It was followed by a traditional Mongolian music called khoomii and whistling performed by Nadmid Bayard, doctoral student at the Postgraduate School of Nagoya University.

The brave Mongolian music and light-hearted melodies suggesting historical events that took place in the vast plain of Mongolia, fascinated the participants.
Next, Chairperson Ikebe Yukie of the Japan-DPRK Association for Exchanges of Music and Arts sang to her own piano accompaniment.

She sang several Korean songs: “Rimyongsu-no-uta (a song of a place called Rimyongsu),” “Arirang Variations,” and “”Nae-omoni (my mother).”
Similarly, in remembering late Ms. Ogasawara Mitsuko, who was the former chairperson of the Japan-DPRK Association for Exchanges of Music and Arts, she sang “Sakuragai-no-uta (a song of shells called Sakuragai),” which was followed finally by her original song entitled “Kitto-asuwa (Surely Tomorrow)” in a wish to promote Japan-DPRK friendship.
Finally, an original song entitled “Eyes to Watch the Truth” was sang to a guitar accompaniment by a Japanese family comprising Juche idea researchers from the locals.
The gathering served as an opportunity to deepen the understanding of the Juche idea and the DPRK, to further promote Japan-DPRK friendship, and to widely publicize the true image of Korean socialism to many people.
* * * * *
To commemorate the 80th birth anniversary of General Secretary Kim Jong Il, seminars held by regions all over the world and other various events provided the world people with opportunities to reaffirm his greatness and deepen their understanding of his exploits in the history of mankind.