The "Study of the Juche Idea" No.91
Special Issue:
75th Founding Anniversary of Workers' Party of Korea
The Workers’ Party of Korea Is the Party of the Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung
Kim Jong Il
Kim Jong Un
Glorious 75th Founding Anniversary of Workers’ Party of Korea
Ramon Jimenez Lopez, Director General of the IIJI Board
Workers’ Party of Korea, Vanguard of Socialism
Harish Gupta, Deputy Director-General of the IIJI Board
History and Juche Idea
—Universal Significance of Juche Idea—
Kamakura Takao, Director of the IIJI Board
Juche Idea, Correct Guideline for Realization of Socialist Society
Jose Francisco Aguilar Bulgarelli, First Director-General of the LAIJI Board
Workers' Party of Korea, Great Motherly Party That Makes Selfless, Devoted Efforts for Good of People
Ri Hye Jong, First Vice-President of the KASS
Workers' Party of Korea, Most Powerful Party Striving for People
Ho Yong Bok, Vice-President of the KASS
Glorious 75 Years of Struggle
for Independence and Well-being of Korean People
Juha Kieksi, Director of the IIJI Board
Workers' Party of Korea, Motherly Party That Guides and Serves People
Suresh P. Pathak, Director of the ARIJI Board
Party of Korea
Develops under Distinguished Leadership of Great Leader
Ogami Ken-ichi, Secretary General of the IIJI