Activities Conducted in Japan Signal Beginning of 2020
―To Celebrate Birth Anniversary of Chairman Kim Jong Un New Year Seminar, Celebration Party and Art Performances Held in Okinawa―

A New Year Seminar was held in Okinawa, on January 11, 2020 under the joint auspices of the Society for the Study of Kim Jong Un Works and the Okinawan Liaison Council for the Study of Kimilsung-Kimjongilism with the attendance of Juche idea researchers, scholars and social activists from all over the country, 100 in all. Okinawa holds such a seminar as to celebrate the birth anniversary of Chairman
Kim Jong Un at the similar period of time each year.
New Year Seminar on Juche Idea & Celebration Party
At the New Year Seminar on the Juche Idea, in his opening address Prof. Emeritus Ie Masaji at Kobe City University of Foreign Studies, who is also joint representative of the Kansai Liaison Council for the Study of Kimilsung-Kimjongilism touched the realties and struggle of Okinawa along with the fact that trend of peace and dialogue has increased on the Korean Peninsula. He further said that it was important for Juche idea researchers to strengthen humanitarian relationships each other and apply the Juche idea to building a society filled with human love.
In his guest speech, Takara Tetsumi, member of the House of Representatives who is based on his experience as constitutional scholar at Ryukyu University, referred to his work in the Diet and extended his determination to promote in eliminating the Japanese government’ discriminative attitude against the Korean schools run by the Korean residents in Japan.
As one of main deliberations at the seminar, Prof. Emeritus Taira Ken-ichi at Okinawa University gave a lecture entitled “Leaning from the Educational Work as Lifeblood in Building a Powerful Socialist State” in line with a talk given by Chairman Kim Jong Un on August 22, 2019 that was conveyed to the participants in the 14th National Conference of Teachers, entitled “Teachers Should Fulfill Their Duty as Career Revolutionaries in Implementing the Party’s Policy on Bringing About a Radical Turn in Education.”
Prof. Taira pointed out that the talk adheres to a policy of respecting humanity and the awareness of socio-oriented revolutionary consciousness. It should be needed to learn from such enthusiasm for educational reform in the DPRK by us in Japan where political distortions had been exposed and the evils of neo-liberalism had become overgrown everywhere.
President Ri Yong Su of the Korean Residents’ Association of Social Scientists in Japan gave a lecture entitled “Chairman Kim Jong Un Who Takes the Lead to Independence and Peace and the Situation of the Korean Peninsula.” He said:
“The Kim Jong Un-led era is the era of the completion of the Juche-oriented feat, which is characterized by realizing the ideals and wishes of both President Kim Il Sung and General Secretary Kim Jong Il as soon as possible. One of the most important activities conducted by Chairman Kim Jong Un in leading the cause of independence and peace is his ideo-theoretical activity.
“Now, looking at the world situation, imperialist forces and reactionary forces are declining and falling, being desperate to maintain their supremacy, while Chairman
Kim Jong Un is fully implementing the people-first doctrine, having a great influence on the development of the cause of anti-imperialism and independence and the movement of anti-wars and peace by strengthening the solidarity with socialist nations and non-aligned nations.
“About the DPRK and US negotiations, the DPRK takes the initiative in them, and comes up with a strategy to firmly control and suppress the US’ nuclear threat.
“The basic spirit of the 5th Plenary Meeting of the 7th Central Committee of the WPK can be condensed in a slogan entitled ‘Let Us Break Through Head-on All the Barriers to Our Advance!’ ”
In his closing address Mr. Sumiya Keizo, representative of the Fukushima Liaison Council for the Study of Kimilsung-Kimjongilism said that “I have gained the strength to wage struggles throughout this year. This seminar has made me convinced that we can find the key to developing our work in our work with the people.”
After the seminar was over, those participants also attended a New Year Party to celebrate the birth anniversary of Chairman Kim Jong Un. Following congratulatory addresses by distinguished people from various walks of life, Ms. Ikebe Yukie, president of the Japan-DPRK Association for the Exchange of Music and Arts livened up the celebration with her piano performances.
Various Artistic Performances
On the following day, a “Sound of Spring Breeze” was held at a hall of the National Theater Okinawa sponsored by the Executive Committee for New Year Artistic Performances. 300 people filling the venue enjoyed the performances.
The artistic performances were designed to share with a wide range of people the desire to celebrate the birth anniversary of Chairman Kim Jong Un.
Enka singer Toyama Yoko, who is also vice-president of the Japan-DPRK Association for the Exchange of Music and Arts, sang a wide range of songs including some of Japanese enka, serenade, and Korean songs.

Then, Hidekatsu, one of the most distinguished Okinawan musicians, played several pieces of Okinawan traditional music, and sang a well-known song to an original Eisa that was danced in a group of Okinawa youngsters.

Lim Mi Rei a Taiwan female art performer, enlivened the venue with her performances of Chinese classical arts called “Changing masks.”
Responding to an encore, all the performers sang together “Honen Ondo (Tr. a song to celebrate a bumper harvest),” making the venue in an uproar.

Likely, those gatherings held in Okinawa, i.e., the seminar on the Juche idea, the celebration party and the artistic performances provided those participants with an opportunity to gain courage to inspire each other to greater efforts this year.
President of Brazilian Juche Idea Study Center Visits IIJI
During his stay in Japan, Mr. Gabriel Martinez, president of the Juche Idea Study Center of Brazil was invited to talk with Dr. Ogami Ken-ichi, secretary general of the IIJI on January 15, 2020.
This interacting came true by responding to his desire to see the IIJI Secretary General during his visit to Japan.

In the talks, opinions and views on a wide variety of topics were exchanged in a candid manner, including the current situations and tasks of the study and dissemination of the Juche idea in the world; the relevant activities and the tendency of transforming the society in Brazil, the history of the study and dissemination of the Juche idea in Japan and its current target to be set. Both sides continued to interact with each other even in the reception after the talks. In this way, they enhanced warm and strong ties between them.
In those occasions, President Gabriel Martinez mentioned his experiences in the study and dissemination of the Juche idea mainly among the Brazilian youths by setting up the Brazilian Juche Idea Study Center soon after his visit to the DPRK in 2011 that had made him pay attention to this idea. He also mentioned that a large Brazilian delegation comprising the members from the main two youth organizations would visit the DPRK this year.
Similarly, President Gabriel Martinez conveyed to the IIJI Secretary General a letter from a Brazilian youth, member of the “Youth Movement for Independence in Latin America,” who had a desire to establish a close relationship with the IIJI onwards in the future.
Scholars from US, Brazil, DPRK and Japan Interact
―At Regular Study Meeting of IIJI as First One of This Kind This Year―

The IIJI held its Regular Study Meeting as the first one this year in Tokyo, on January 18, 2020.
It was presided over by its Secretary General Dr. Ogami Ken-ichi, and got started with an opening address by Prof. Emeritus Kamakura Takao at Saitama University.
Prof. Kamakura said: it must be said that the Trump Administration got started a war against Iran on January 3 this year by assassinating an Iranian Commander at the Revolutionary Guard Qassem Soleimani with an unmanned combat air vehicle. He also referred to the agreement between the DPRK-US made in Singapore in June 2018, saying that the Trump Administration did not do anything to follow it, whereas the DPRK government strove hard to advance it step by step. He further referred to the 5th Plenary Meeting of the 7th Central Committee of the WPK held at the end of last year.
Next, in his address, Rector Han Tong Song at Korea University in Japan introduced Associate Prof. Derek Ford at DePauw University, US, who is also vice-director at the Academy of 21st Century Studies. Saying that Korea University in Japan has started interacting with DePauw University since last year, Rector Han introduced a note written by a student from the US who had visited the said University last year. His honest impressions were written in such a way as that he was resentful when he first learned of the unreasonable policies of the Japanese and US governments on the DPRK, and that he was determined to change his wrong recognition and his previous attitude toward the DPRK.

Subsequently, Associate Prof. Derek Ford presented his paper. Associate Prof. Lyeom Mun Song at Korea University in Japan played a role as interpreter.
Associate Prof. Derek Ford said:
“There was the communist movement as well in the United States in the 1930s, which was cracked down on afterwards. Since the World War II, there arose the civil rights movement partly due to the effects of socialism and national liberation movement. It can be said that ‘The Black Panther,’ a fictitious character, might have a similarity with the DPRK. In the 1950s, the DPRK gave the first blow to the US. Likely, there emerged a tendency of anti-US imperialism on a worldwide scale. However, the collapse of the Soviet Union accelerated the tendency of anti-revolution instead. Under those circumstances, the US came to establish a unilateral supremacy, it has being weakened gradually though. Whereas the Soviet Union collapsed, the DPRK has made a great stride on the basis of the Juche idea. Truly, things Korea should be decided by the Korean people themselves. And it is the WPK that takes full responsibility for the destiny of the Korean people.”
It was followed by a speech by Associate Prof. Ri Tae Il at Korea University in Japan on the subject of “Coverage to the 5th Plenary Meeting of the 7th Central Committee of the WPK.” He said:
“It was held for four days from December 28, 2019 with the attendance of 400 people including the observers. The agenda contained four items. The basic spirit of the meeting was that without waiting for the better situation to come, they should break through head-on with difficulties on the basis of self-reliance. This policy is based on the Juche philosophy that is supported by the principle of self-reliance, the revolutionary spirit of Mt. Paektu, the revolutionary tradition and the people-first doctrine.”
Exchanging Opinions and Views Surpassing Countries and Nations
Then, in a way of responding to the presentations of the two scholars, Prof. Nakato Sachio at Ritsumeikan University extended his opinion on the basis of his experiences in interacting with American University. He said: “The significance in the agreement made by both sides in Singapore was a step forward to the establishment of a new relationship between the DPRK and the US. However, experts concerned in both Japan and the US are paying attention only to the denuclearization of the DPRK. In spite of President Trump’s intention to put an end to the US’ war policy against the DPRK, things would not go smoothly due to the disturbance of the industrial-military complex of the US.”
Finally, President Gabriel Martinez of the Juche Idea Study Center of Brazil spoke on the study and dissemination of the Juche idea in Brazil and its social situation.
He said: his group started holding seminars in Brazil since 2011, disseminating the Juche idea on the internet, translating and publishing works of President Kim Il Sung and General Secretary Kim Jong Il in Portuguese. At the beginning it was based only in Sao Paulo. Nowadays Juche idea study groups were spread locally in eight places. Under the circumstances of Brazil where opposite political parties are scattered without the unity due to the lack of ideology, it has become important to disseminate the Juche idea.
Following questions and answers, Mr. Hanawa Fujio, joint representative of the Kanto Liaison Council for the Study of Kimilsung-Kimjongilism made a closing address.
A participant overseas extended his impressions on the Regular Study Meeting in such a way as that he was surprised at the meeting with a high level he could join in Japan. Likewise, the said Regular Study Meeting was of significance in enabling those participants to be inspirational to one another.
After the Regular Study Meeting, a familiar get-together was held. Those participants enjoyed a pleasant and significant time together, while several languages being spoken.