The 21st Board Meeting of the IIJI
The 21st Board Meeting of the IIJI was held on April 7, which reviewed the work performed after its 20th Board Meeting held in October 2015, and consulted about its forward plan.
Prof. Harish Gupta, deputy director-general of the IIJI Board, made a Report to the 21st IIJI Board of Directors’ Meeting, whereas Prof. Edmond Jouve, director general of the ERSSJI Board, proposed an IIJI Working Plan. The Report mentioned that under review, achievements in the work of studying and disseminating Kimilsung-Kimjongilism deeply and broadly were accumulated under the cooperation of three parties: the IIJI, regional institutes of the Juche idea and the KASS.The IIJI Working Plan stressed that Kimilsung-Kimjongilism is the ideological and theoretical banner that leads the struggle for anti-imperialism and independence to victory and that in order to make each country independent and build a new society, it is necessary to pay attention to acquiring an independent idea.
Then, for studying and disseminating Kimilsung-Kimjongilism deeply and widely, the IIJI 21st Board Meeting discussed the followings: 1. The IIJI will perform the work of studying and disseminating Kimilsung-Kimjongilism; 2. Regional and national organizations will be formed and regional and national seminars held; 3. The Juche idea will be disseminated through publications and websites; 4. The IIJI will enhance its function.